Can I go on a safari in Tanzania in the rainy season?
23 april 2020 

Can I go on a safari in Tanzania in the rainy season?

A safari in the rainy season a good idea?

Yes, absolutely. We often see reviews online that heavily discourage going on safari in Tanzania during the rainy season (March-June). Here at Makasa, we regard these 3 months as some of the best times to go on safari, both for the dramatic effect that the weather has on the landscape, and for the financial benefits of travelling outside of peak season.

Rainy Season in Tanzania

The rainy season in Tanzania begins in mid-March, and last for roughly 3 months. A typical day during the rainy season will see sporadic heavy thunderstorms at night and occasional storms in the late afternoon. During the morning hours it may be partially cloudy, however the days are still dominated by sunny weather. On safari, this leaves ample time for game viewing and photography.

Rainy Season in Tanzania

Financial benefits of a safari during rainy season

There are very few travelers in Tanzania at this this time of year, because the rainy season does not coincide with typical vacation time from work. As a result, both flight and accommodation providers offer significant discounts in order to attract customers. Considering that accommodation and flights tend to be the most expensive components of a safari, travelling during the rainy season offers a significant benefit in reducing the overall cost of your visit to Tanzania.

Seeing wildlife in the rainy season

Only tourists leave the parks in low season – the animals do not go anywhere! This means the game viewing experience is different, and in fact, it can be better. The queues at the parks’ entry gates are much shorter. Once inside the parks, you avoid the crowds of safari vehicles and masses of camera-toting tourists. As such, going on safari during the rainy season means you often have a better chance at a more private game viewing experience.

Please do bear in mind that all of the roads in the national parks are dirt tracks, which means they can become muddy and eroded during the wet season. If it rains particularly heavily, your guide may avoid certain areas because they will be inaccessible. Thankfully, there is no shortage of beautiful space in Tanzanian national parks, and any alternative route will still present plenty of opportunity to observe the wildlife and landscape.

Safari in the rainy season of Tanzania


During the dry season, travelers contend with the heat and the dust while on safari. The rainy season is a cooler period of the year, when temperatures drop to between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius. As a result, guests from more temperate climates often find they are more comfortable travelling during the rainy season.

Photography during the rainy seasons

Tanzanian thunderstorms, and the ensuing rains, provide dramatic scenery with rich and gripping light. Blue, sunny skies can make for boring photos. During the dry season, photographers must work to manage overexposure in their photographs, because quite often the conditions are too bright. In the cooler part of the year, it is very green and the contrast this provides is often a key ingredient for beautiful photos.

Visit us

If you have any questions about going on safari during the rainy season, please reach out to us and we will do everything we can to help you get the best experience.

About the author
Ngomi was born and raised in Tanzania. Safari is in the family: he started his career as a tour guide when he was just seventeen, working for his parents’ safari company. His passion for nature and wildlife led him to study Zoology in the USA. Now, he runs Makasa with his wife, Selma, and they take their children on safari every chance they get. Ngomi has over twenty years’ experience working in Tanzania’s safari industry. His wealth of knowledge and expertise is your guarantee that you will experience the finest service on a journey that will leave you with a lifetime of memories.